First day of the EFA Birthday Bash Coupon event!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Seems like it took forever to get to the 2 week coupon sale for the EFA Birthday Bash, but it's here! Finally!! I'm hoping that everyone has their code(hint: "DEER" w/o quotes!) and will get some shopping in =] I guess I better get with it and get my tags changed over! Always behind =D
I've been working on some new projects and am pretty happy about the Halloween Challenge on EFA Team blog, "Halloween Cats"! I just had finished my "Cats" puzzle and am going to paint one of them with appropriate colors and expressions for Halloween =D So fun! and so puurrrr-fect! lol
I joined a new site called Handmade Fuzion and hope that it will be fun - I was supposed to start selling there also, but I don't know if I'm going to yet. Will put in a link if/when I do =DI also just finished some little Christmas ornaments - they're done in natural wood(Intarsia) and the only problem I'm having now is if I want to put a cord in them or make them magnets? Decisions, decisions! They are so cute though and makes me really want to get into my Christmas projects!
I just got a new setup for taking pictures but I'm still having trouble with the lighting setup - I thought I took great pictures, even at 12am! But now that I see them online I'm seeing a shadow across the right faces of the pieces and it still doesn't look great :-( My son just bought a Nikon film SLR and I'm hoping he gets good at taking photos and will photograph my pieces - I don't know about waiting for film developing though! lol I've become jaded with all of the instant gratification we have now in everything; want to know an answer to a question? Just "Google It!" want to see what your pictures look like? Just "upload them!" Want to empty your garage? no more yard sale BS! Just "List it on Craig's List or eBay!" It's all just too darn easy! lol
Anyway, will try using my new setup today while the sun is shining and see if I can get it right...
I have an order that has to be ready today so I'm not going to be spending too much time online today - I should've already had this done, but it's been hard getting some of the info I needed from her to finish the project. I still haven't heard back on her color choice so I'm just going to use the standard brown on it.
I definitely want to get more items done so folks will have lots of choices to use the coupon on - I'm really glad I get to do this. Not only does it help the animals, but my clients as well! Always a "Good Thing"!
That's it for now =D
Stay awesome and "Thanks for stopping by the shop!"
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