I'm all over that!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wow, I'm honored to say that I'm including in this wonderful blog's 'Christmas Gift Sites to See' segment!!! "As the Crackerhead Crumbles" is a wonderful hodgepodge of great tidbits and tantalizing tales - I urge you to visit regularly!
and, many Thanks for including me in your list for this season!!
As many of you know, it's such a busy time for me! It has been for the last 3 months - I just haven't had a moment to myself - lol - but, I sure don't mind!!
Things are going fairly smoothly; right now I only have 3 ornaments and two boxes to get out so I'm doing great! Well, I also just started posting my 'non-custom' ornaments online - take a look!
We're all healthy and happy, so I've a lot to be thankful for this year =D
I hope to be back soon, posting my usual pishposh of random thoughts and ideas - stay tuned!!
Thanks for "stopping by the shop!"
December 13, 2009 at 3:43 AM
Thank you so very, very much for this very honorable mention!!! Be assured that I am deeply honored by it. On the one hand, I hope to get some time to sit back and really enjoy yourself for as long as you like, but on the other, I also hope you get a bunch of new business. Sorry.
December 13, 2009 at 11:56 AM
That's okay, I'm ready! lol Thank you Jerry for your kindness and thoughtfulness! Happy Holidays =D