Shaving head for Cancer Kids!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Such a busy weekend! Work, work, work and my 'little guys' were busy too!
Tyler's going to be shaving his head to help support kids who are loosing their hair to chemo treatments! I thought he was crazy at first but as he says, "it's just hair, it will grow back. Some of these kids will die!!"
I'm very proud of his efforts in helping others these days - he even donated $40 to autism last week!
It would be so great if you would click on the link and either donate or just offer some encouragement!! Click on Tyler's picture or the link below to help :-)
Please stop by and help in any way you can - going through your senior year in high school with a bald head (not a good look for Tyler! lol) is a daunting mission, but he's so sure of how he wants to help, I can do nothing but support him 110% and shave his head for him!!
Thank you in advance for your support! =D other news, Leanne received her Keepsake Portrait Box this morning and wrote, "Hi Freida, It's just arrived this morning! Thanks so much, it looks really great, you've done an amazing job on it! Thanks again :o] Leanne x".
Thank you Leanne! It was a great pleasure to get to work on Sandy's box with you!!
Well, I guess that's all for now - I could always write for hours, but who's going to read my ramblings!!? lol
As always, "Thanks for stopping by the shop!"
October 10, 2008 at 7:45 AM
What an awesome son you have! That is such an unselfish and wonderful thing to do.
I LOVE your blog! I just added you to my list to follow.
October 10, 2008 at 7:55 AM
Thank you so much Tammy! I love him too =D I shaved his head last night and I swear it was the toughest thing I've ever done!!! But, in all honesty, he looks pretty good, so we're both happy - he says he wouldn't have changed a thing! He's been so busy trying to figure out ways to help others and I couldn't be more proud! =D
Love your blog and am following too! Thank you for the add =D